Children’s animated short-form comedy series Dukes of Bröxstônia - Series 2 has been sold by the ACTF to Disney XD in the U.S.
The Dukes are the hottest band to come out of Bröxstônia in years. In fact they are the only band to come out of Bröxstônia. Ever!
The band is composed of teenagers Arj, Barj and Larj. And now thanks to the generosity of the Bröxstônian government, The Dukes are on tour, spreading their uniquely punk thrash sounds to an unsuspecting world!
Dukes of Bröxstônia - Series 2 (10 x 3 min) is produced by Sticky Pictures and created by Stu Connolly and Suren Perera.
The series is distributed internationally by the ACTF.