Mipcom Winner

And Then Something Changed

Louis wakes to find himself in an inaccessible world. Is it a dream? Or is it real?

What would it feel like to live in a world that isn’t built for you? 8 year-old Louis wakes up to what he thinks is going to be just another normal school day, but finds the world around him has become inaccessible. The bed, stairs, car and locker no longer function as Louis expects. But is this world a dream of the past? 

And Then Something Changed is an un-sensationalized look at a ‘day in the life’ of a child with dwarfism, turning our idea of accessibility on its head. Available to screen in Australia:  https://iview.abc.net.au/show/disrupted-and-then-something-changed

The short film screened on ABCMe to celebrate International Day of People with Disability on December 3rd, 2019.

Official selection for the Chicago International Children's Film Festival

Winner 4th annual MIPCOM Diversify TV Excellence Award. 

Gold Award Winner Matt Wood ACS Awards for Cinematography (Vic & Tas) 2020. 





1x20 mins

Production Status

Completed 2019. 

Broadcasters & Partners

DisRupted is an initiative of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Screen Australia. 



Awards & Festivals

Official selection for the Chicago International Children's Film Festival

Winner MIPCOM Diversify TV Excellence Award - Kids Programming


Created by Eliza Hull and Keiran Watson- Bonnice

Directed and Written by Keiran Watson - Bonnice

Produced by Eliza Hull 

Starring Theo Watson- Bonnice




©  Sticky Pictures 2019